Friday, October 24, 2008

Numero Uno

Lets hear it for blog Numero Uno.

This is a technological step that I have hesitated to make for some time now. Unlike many web-based options for people to spend their time on, blogging for the benefit of people requires more than just posting pictures and links. So I hope my time is adequate and my well is deep enough for helpful thoughts. My hope for this blog is that it will do what the title suggests. I want people to get a taste of the incomparable, unbelievable, sweetness of all that God is for those who hope in Him. And it is grace that God is for us and not against us. Grace is the greatest mystery of the ages for it set into motion the redemption that unleashed many more unfathomable mysteries that allow us to know and love the glory of God

The trick is savor that grace in all of life. God is graciously working in and through all things, in all you do and all that is done to you. Since God is at work, we should work to have a great hope in that at all times, to savor its reality. Maybe it could be like having a peppermint under your tongue, filling every word you speak and every breath you inhale with its aroma. I hope to make this blog one that helps me savor grace more and to share the hope that it produces with others.

I would like to savor grace more by:

- posting updates of God's grace in my personal and family life

- posting discoveries of things that make us realize the sweetness of grace.

- posting thoughts about grace and truth in contemporary issues

- posting any link, article, book or whatever may help point us to Christ.

So, lets hear it again for blog numero uno.

1 comment:

Stephen Jones said...

Hi Jay,

Welcome to the blogosphere! I just came across your blog and have added it to my RSS feed.

I would say your early posts are certainly accomplishing your goal of helping people "get a taste of the incomparable, unbelievable, sweetness of all that God is for those who hope in Him."

I praise God for your wisdom, devotion, and encouragement.