Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Are You Ready For Church Growth??

Not long ago we took our youth group to the annual fall retreat that is put on by local Bible churches. I invited a new youth pastor and his newly formed youth group and they were able to attend. It was a good retreat with many memorable moments. Yet, there was one thing that stood out to me as a needful reminder.

The new youth pastor had the unusual blessing of having his new youth group grow very quickly. What was unique about this growth was that most of the youth that were coming were unchurched youth. This means that most did not have parental connections to the church or any background about behavior in the church. So the way they interacted at school was pretty much the way they interacted at church. If you have stepped into any schools lately you will know that it isn't pretty. Selfishness, unkindness, laziness, lack of care, and general worldliness abounds.

Now imagine what this means for my youth pastor friend. It means his job just got a lot harder. This was very clear at the retreat. At every turn there was another issue that had to be dealt with. This was not fun.

But it was redemptive. What I am getting at is if you really want to reach the world and bring them in, that means you are going to bring in all of their issues with them. It is going to mean a whole lot of painful and perplexing work for you. It is going to mean a whole lot of selfless love will be demanded. And it is also going to mean that biblical ministry will happen. That's right, the church was never intended to be a country club of stable and mature Christians, but a hospital where sin can be amputated and worldliness can be dealt with in truth and love.

To do this means that you are going to have to deal with conflict, die to your desires, and love those who don't even know you are loving them. So, are you ready for this? Are you ready for church growth?

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