Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Creepy, Yet Exciting

Below I am posting some newly released video of a robotics project called "Big Dog." Though the project has been around for at least 4 years, they are still working on it to make it better and more reliable for the military. There are two things that went through my mind the first time I saw this. First, I thought it was almost creepy. There is something about seeing inanimate things doing actions that only animals or people should do that is just...I don't know... creepy. However, the second thing that goes through my mind is pure excitement about the millennium. I know you probably just reread that sentence, and are creating a new bald spot as you scratch your head confusedly looking for some connection.

Before I give you the connection, let me explain the millennium . The millennium is that period of time which follows Christ's second coming. At His coming He will conquer all His enemies and receive from the Father all the kingdoms of the world and will rule over them as the rightful and perfect king(Dan. 7:13-14). The millennium is the term given to that 1000 years spoken of in Rev. 20 when peace and prosperity fill the earth because the curse will be removed and Christ will rule from Jerusalem.

Now the connection. When I see things like the "Big Dog" I am so amazed at the sophistication and skill that was needed to create something like that. But, that is nothing compared to what we will see in the millennium. In the millennium, people will live for a very long time in a renewed world that flourishes in every sense(Isa. 32:13-15; Amos 9:13). There will be no restrictions of resources or any limitations due to a fallen and broken world. With Christ on the throne, people will rule over the earth as originally designed, but without anything to impede their potential to learn and build and draw out all the latent potential of God's creation. There will be discoveries and inventions that will make the "Big Dog" and the Space shuttle look like toys out of a cracker jack box. And that, my friends, is exciting.

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